New furnishings for our front lounge and conservatory

Our residents at Cornwell House are enjoying new furnishings and carpets in the front lounge. It has taken a few months to complete and carpet but the wait was well worthwhile and everyone is delighted with the new furniture and the lovely soft carpets.

It makes such a difference for our residents to spend time with friends and relax in a lovely environment. We have fortunately avoided the coronavirus and the staff have been wonderful. However, it has been difficult to put on the large variety of activities which we normally offer, and, therefore making sure the home looks it’s best with new furnishings was very important for wellbeing and positivity. Everyone at Cornwell House who has been involved helping residents choose the decor has loved the final results. We hope you do too.

Latest news and thanks from Abbeyfield Ferring

A huge thanks to children and staff at Ferring Primary School whose Mufti Day has given us lots of food donations for our oldies. Many thanks also to The Henry Pub and other local people for their generous donations.

We are truly overwhelmed here by people’s generosity and it also saves time queuing in supermarkets for our staff. Our Home Care Service is working flat out locally to make sure everyone is safe and healthy at home, so the donations are extremely welcome.

Our residential services, both Cornwell House and the Old School House are not accepting visitors currently to safeguard the health of our older residents. We have also suspended our day services but will have these back running as soon as the government issues some good news.

At both Cornwell House and the Old School House, we are helping residents keep contact with their friends and families via Skype. Lessons are going well!

If you are an older person, or the family of an older person, who has been self-isolating but is looking at a residential care home place or a small studio flatlet at the Old School House, we can talk you through the facilities and send you some photos. We had a vacancy at each of the locations and the rooms are delightful. Just give us a ring and we can talk through how we can help you arrange this.